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  Function            Cal... - family of Calendar date conversions

  Syntax              char *CaltoGreg(double cal);
                      char *CaltoGregEuro(double cal);
                      char *CaltoGregJap(double cal);
                      double CaltoJul(double cal);
                      double CaltoJulA(double cal);
                      double CaltoJulB(double cal);
                      double CaltoCalCent(double cal);
                      double CalCenttoCal(double cal);

  Prototype in        datehk.h

  Remarks             CaltoGreg      converts Calendar date to Gregorian
                                     (US) date
                      CaltoGregEuro  converts Calendar date to Gregorian
                                     (European) date
                      CaltoGregJap   converts Calendar date to Gregorian
                                     (Japan) date
                      CaltoJul       converts Calendar date to Julian
                                     (Type E) date
                      CaltoJulA      converts Calendar date to Julian
                                     (Type A) date
                      CaltoJulB      converts Calendar date to Julian
                                     (Type B) date
                      CaltoCalCent   converts Calendar date to Calendar
                                     date (w/century)
                      CalCenttoCal   converts Calendar date (w/century)
                                     to Calendar date

  Return value        CaltoGreg... return the appropriate Gregorian date
                      CaltoJul... return the appropriate Julian date
                      CaltoCalCent returns a Calendar date (w/century)
                      CalCentotCal returns a Calendar date

  See also            Appendix A
                      date_convert(), ddatetofull(), ddatetoshort(),
                      ddatetostr(), fulltoddate(), Greg...(), Jul...(),
                      monthexpand(), shorttoddate(), strtoddate()

  Example             see demodate.c

See Also: Greg...() Jul...() Date Formats
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson